Simple Guide: From Acquiring To Caring For Hedgehogs

The image above shows the domesticated hedgehog named African pygmy hedgehog, four-toed hedgehog or white-bellied hedgehog.

To qualify in keeping a pet hedgehog, you must be able to provide the temperature needed for its survival. Please see below what you require so as to achieve this.

It’s important to note that it is illegal to keep hedgehogs in some states and countries. Check to see if your state or country allows you to keep a hedgehog. If it is illegal, choose another pet! See a simple guide below on acquiring and caring for your African pygmy hedgehog.

Jump to:

  1. African Pygmy Hedgehog Lifespan
  2. Where do I get a hedgehog?
  3. Can a hedgehog Live Alone or Does He or She Require a Companion?
  4. African pygmy Hedgehogs are Suitable for What Age?
  5. Handling African pygmy Hedgehogs
  6. Is a Four-Toed Hedgehog Nocturnal?
  7. Four-toed Hedgehog Cages
  8. African Pygmy Hedgehog Cage Bedding
  9. African Pygmy Hedgehog Cage temperature
  10. Hedgehog Cage Accessories (Cage temperature equipment, sand bath, dig box, ceramic food and water bowl, toilet paper roll tubes, ping pong balls, hedgehog tunnels, exercise wheel and litter tray)
  11. Hedgehog Feeding
  12. Do Pet Hedgehogs Smell?
  13. Hedgehog potty training
  14. Cleaning Hedgehog Cage
  15. Bathing your African Pygmy hedgehog the right way
  16. Travelling with your Hedgehog
  17. Hedgehog Health and Vet
Hedgehog Lifespan

African Pygmy Hedgehogs will live for 4-6 years. Some may push to 9 years WITH PROPER CARE!!!!

Where do I get a hedgehog?
Where Can I Get A Hedgehog?
  1. From A Trusted/ Reputable Pet Store.
  2. Reputable Hedgehog breeders.
  3. Reliable Adoption Agencies/ Rescues.

It is up to you, but Breeders are recommended. Why?

The minimum recommended age to acquire a young hedgehog is 6-7 weeks old. You can always get an older one if you want.

Can a hedgehog Live Alone Or Does He or She Require A Companion?
 Is It Okay to Get One or Do I Need More Than One Hedgehog?

A Hedgehog is Solitary by nature. Keeping two of the same sex will lead to fighting.

If you must have 2 or more have separate cages.

Having a male and a female in one cage will lead to baby hedgehogs and the male will tend to become aggressive.

Hedgehogs are Suitable for What Age?

Not suitable for young children. Maybe from age 12+.

Handling Hedgehogs

Hedgehogs have a prickly body, but very soft underneath. You can scoop him/her up so that you are holding the under.

They roll into a ball when scared, become pricklier than when stretched out. Hedgehogs will also hiss a lot. They can also bite if you smell like food or if you hold them the wrong way. The bite does not really hurt.

Always wash your hands after handling your hedgehog. Do Not kiss him/ her. Their poop can contain Salmonella.

Try as much as possible not to disturb your hedgehog when asleep. You can play with him or her in the morning or night for about 30 minutes.

Is A Hedgehog Nocturnal?

Yes! Hedgehogs are nocturnal. He or she may keep you up at night running on the wheel. Get a wheel that is not noisy. We have recommended some good ones below.

Hedgehog Housing
  • Large cages with solid bottoms are recommended.
  • Minimum dimensions 2 feet by 3 feet, that is 24” x 36”. However, Bigger is always better.
Most hedgehog owners and experts recommend these cages:

#1. Living World Deluxe Habitat, Large. See setting up this cage:

Living World Cage Setup & Unboxing

#2. Oxbow Guinea Pig & Dwarf Rabbit Habitat with Play Yard.

Watch an informative video on this cage:


#3. Repti-life 48x24x24 Inch Vivarium Flatpacked in Oak, 4ft Viv By

To see this pygmy hedgehog cage in action, watch these two clips

African Pygmy Hedgehogs New Cage! Vivarium

African Pygmy Hedgehogs New Vivarium

 #4. Midwest critter nation single unit with Stand 36″ L X 24″ W X 39″ H

See organization

Nightly Routine! Hedgehogs

#5. DIY hedgehog cages made from wood (poplar or kiln dried pine) and glass or C&C hedgehog cage grids and coroplast.

You will need to be creative. See examples to get some ideas:

Hedgehog Cage Tour!

Hedgehog Cage Tour

See videos below

How to build a C&C Cage

Building a C&C cage for 2 Cavies

How to cut coroplast

Cutting & Scoring Coroplast

If you find that cutting coroplast for your grids to be too much work, there are already prepared coroplast and grids cages that are sold for around $70-$90 and all you have to do is set up.

Here is a video.

Setting up the C&C cage

Hedgehog Bedding
Caring For African Pygmy Hedgehogs (Recommended Hedgehog Bedding and Environment Temperature)

When determining what material to use for bedding, various factors are considered:

  • Safety to your pet
  • Characteristics of your pet (does she/he like to burrow)
  • Ease of cleaning (Do you mind regular cleaning? What cleaning works for you?)
  • Your financial situation (what can you afford for your pet)
  • Hygiene of the cage

Best African Pygmy hedgehog bedding materials:

#1. Anti-Pill Fleece– easier to clean, considered best by most people. Do not buy fleece before you read this to know how to use it effectively and efficiently!!!

#2. FiberCore Eco-Bedding Natural, 4.5lb

#3. Boxo Comfort Small Animal Bedding, 51-Liter

See a video of how (#2.FiberCore Eco-Bedding Natural) and (#3.Boxo Comfort Small Animal Bedding) are used.

Hedgehog Cage Tour

#4. Fitch Paper Pet Bedding

#5. Aspen Beddingread more on aspen here to make a choice.

#6. Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding (White in color) UNSCENTED or

Kaytee Clean & Cozy Natural Small Animal Bedding (Brownish in color) UNSCENTED

In the litter pan/ box/ tray use:

#1. Yesterday’s News Unscented Recycled Paper Pellet Cat Litter 

US #1. Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Cat Litter – 30 lb. Bag

UK #2. Yesterday’s News Cat Litter, Non-Clumping, Unscented, 13.2-Pound Bag by Purina Yesterday’s News

#2. Back 2 Nature Small Animal Bedding

US #1. Fibrecycle USA Inc. Back-2-Nature Small Animal Bedding 20 Liter

US #2. Small Animal Bedding Recycled Back 2 Nature 30 Litres

US #3. Fibrecycle USA Inc. Back-2-Nature Small Animal Bedding 10 Liter

UK #4. Back 2 Nature Small Animal Bedding – 30 L

UK #5. Back-2-Nature Bedding/Litter for Small Animals

#3. Disposable puppy/pee pads
US: AmazonBasics Dog and Puppy Pee, Potty Training Pads, Heavy Duty X-Large (28 x 34) – Pack of 25
UK: AmazonBasics Heavy Duty Pet and Puppy Training Pads, Regular -50-Count

Place This Litter Pan Below the Hedgehog Wheel.

AVOID anything cedar or pine.

African Pygmy Hedgehog Cage Temperature
  • Hedgehogs do not like the cold.
  • If you live in a cold area you will need to warm up the room.
  • They thrive in temperatures of between 24 degrees Celsius – 30 degrees Celsius. That is 73-78° Fahrenheit.
  • When temperatures get lower than 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit), they will get into a hibernation state called torpor and can even die. When temperatures get too high they can suffer from heat stroke.
  • A cage warmer is required. (see accessory area below for recommended hedgehog cage warming equipment).

See how to set up a warm hedgehog cage in this short clip.

African Pygmy Hedgehog Care Hedgehog Heating & How to Avoid Hibernation Attempts

Your hedgehog will also require 10-14 hours of light daily to have an “internal clock.”

Hedgehog Cage Accessories

African Pygmy Hedgehog Cage Accessories

Cage temperature equipment
  • Cage digital thermometer – It is very important to make sure your hedgehog is in an environment with optimal temperature (see above). Here is a good example of one you can get:
  1. Zacro LCD Digital Aquarium Thermometer Fish Tank Water Terrarium Temperature
  • Cage Heating Source and equipment (ceramic heat emitter is used by a majority)
  1. Reptile Heat Lamp Bulb – 60W Ceramic Heat Emitter No Harm No Light Infrared Heater Lamp for Lizard Aquarium Snake Pet Brooder 110V, White
  2. Encompass All 1000W Combined – Terrarium Heat & Habitat Lighting Temperature Controller for germination/rooting & reptiles – 3 power outlets
  3. Zilla Premium Reflector Domes

Sand Bath
  • Sand baths usually give your hedgehog a natural feel.
  • Do not get too fine (close to dust) sand because it can cause respiratory problems. (Therefore, Chinchilla dust or sand is a NO.) Of late, the chinchilla sand has become more of dust.
  • Too coarse sand is also not good.
  • It is also important to check if some sand sticks to your hedgehog’s genitals after he or she plays in the sand.
Recommended sand to use:

Dig box

Option 1: You can get a cardboard box and fill it with toys, ping pong balls, marbles, aquarium smooth rocks, fleece strips.

Option 2: You can buy a dig box:

Hedgehog Hideout / Hideaways

  • Use plastic igloos and snuggle/sleeping sacks.

Some good examples you can get are:

Ceramic food dish

Ceramic food dishes are good to avoid being moved and spillage. See some good examples here

Ceramic water dish

Water bottles are not really the best for hedgehogs. Use a water bowl. See some good examples here

Toilet paper tubes

You can grab this from your house

Ping pong balls

 Most hedgehogs love playing with them. Good examples to get are:

Hedgehog tunnels

Use 4-inch-wide PVC PIPES tees and elbows and also long pipes, for example:

Hedgehog Exercise Wheel

Plastic wheel-get solid wheel, no holes.

We have found that most hedgehog owners are using this wheel for their hedgehogs.

It should be 12″+ in size.


It also comes with that litter pan.

Litter tray

Place it under or near the wheel and put  either of the following inside it

#1. Yesterday’s News Unscented Recycled Paper Pellet Cat Litter 

US #1. Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Cat Litter – 30 lb. Bag

UK #2. Yesterday’s News Cat Litter, Non-Clumping, Unscented, 13.2-Pound Bag by Purina Yesterday’s News

#2. Back 2 Nature Small Animal Bedding

US #1. Fibrecycle USA Inc. Back-2-Nature Small Animal Bedding 20 Liter

US #2. Small Animal Bedding Recycled Back 2 Nature 30 Litres

US #3. Fibrecycle USA Inc. Back-2-Nature Small Animal Bedding 10 Liter

UK #4. Back 2 Nature Small Animal Bedding – 30 L

UK #5. Back-2-Nature Bedding/Litter for Small Animals

#3. Disposable puppy/pee pads
US: AmazonBasics Dog and Puppy Pee, Potty Training Pads, Heavy Duty X-Large (28 x 34) – Pack of 25
UK: AmazonBasics Heavy Duty Pet and Puppy Training Pads, Regular -50-Count

Hedgehog Feeding
Caring For Hedgehogs (What, when and How to feed your Hedgehog)

Paws of Prey YouTube channel, has shared a short, straightforward, easy, organized and precise clip on feeding African pygmy hedgehogs. You’ll love it if you don’t like doing a lot of work.

Watch this video and for recommendations on high quality cat food, check below.
African pygmy hedghog feeding

African pygmy hedgehog feeding

#1. Fresh Water

#2. High quality dry Cat food for adult hedgehogs and High quality dry Kitten food for young hedgehogs.

  1. Protein content should be 30-40%.
  2. Fat content should be 10-15%.
  3. Ingredients: If there is fish, the poop may smell. Look for chicken, turkey or duck.

What age is a young hedgehog?                         What age is an adult hedgehog?
  • Young hedgehog: -6 months
  • Young adult hedgehog: 6-12 months
  • Adult hedgehog: 12+ months

Young hedgehog  food recommendations

After 6 months you can give adult hedgehog food.

 When changing a meal or brand you have to do it slowly, a process that takes about 4 weeks as you are checking on your hedgehog’s behavior and health. The recommended plan is:

  • First Week: 75% old food, 25% new food
  • Second Week: 50% old food, 50% new food
  • Third Week: 25% old food, 75% new food
  • Fourth Week: 100% new food

 Adult hedgehog Food recommendations

#3. You can also give insects, meal worms, cooked eggs as treats.

How frequent should I feed my hedgehog?

This will depend on your hedgehog and also how flexible your hours are.

Option 1:
  • Morning 6am to 8am: 1-1 ½ tablespoon of High quality dry Cat food for adults or High quality dry Kitten food for young ones.
  • Early evening 5pm to 7 pm– Give treats like insects, meal worms, eggs
  • Late evening 9 to 12pm: 1-1 ½ tablespoon of High quality dry Cat food for adults or High quality dry Kitten food for young ones.
  • Fresh water at all times.
Option 2:
  • Morning 6am to 8 am: 1-1 ½ tablespoon of High quality dry Cat food for adults or High quality dry Kitten food for young ones.
  • Evening 5pm to 12pm: 1-1 ½ tablespoon of High quality dry cat food for adults or High quality dry Kitten food for young ones. You can also give treats like insects, meal worms or eggs as you play with him or her and leave her the bowl of cat or kitten food overnight.
  • Fresh water at all times.
Option 3:
  • Late evening 5pm to 12pm: 1-1 ½ tablespoon of High quality dry cat food for adults or High quality dry Kitten food for young ones. You can also give treats like insects, meal worms, eggs to supplement the cat food.
  • Fresh water at all times.

DO NOT feed anything with milk. They are lactose intolerant.

Do Pet Hedgehogs Smell?

If you do not clean, you will, of course, get a smell. African pygmy hedgehogs poo as they run, so you will need to clean their wheel frequently.

Hedgehog potty training
  • Yes, the African pygmy hedgehog can be potty trained. However, this will not be 100%.
  • What we are sure of is that he or she will poop in the exercise wheel and you will have to wipe it down almost daily.
  • Potty training your four-toed hedgehog requires patience, time, and some little luck.
Tips for training
  • Place the litter tray under your hedgehog’s exercise wheel.
  • Collect poop and place it in litter pan to help show your hedgehog where he or she will be going.
  • Look out for clues of when your hedgehog wants relieve him/herself and place him or her in the litter pan/ tray.
Cleaning Hedgehog Cage
Caring for Hedgehogs (cleaning your hedgehog’s cage)
  • The hedgehog wheel will be covered in poo. The reason behind this is that your four-toed hedgehog poops as he/she runs.
  • The poo can also jump all over so you will need to place a material on the walls of the cage where the wheel is to avoid poop getting out of the cage. You may need to clean this wheel daily.

When it comes to cleaning, there is nothing that will inform you how to do it better than cleaning videos.

For those using fleece, here are some nice cleaning videos:
Spot cleaning

Hedgehog Care Daily Hedgehog Routine

How I spot clean my Hedgehogs Cage

Nightly Hedgehog Routine Spot Cleaning & Feeding

Nightly Routine! Hedgehogs

Weekly cleaning or when it is really dirty

Cleaning a Hedgehog Cage

Cleaning the Hedgehog Cage Midwest Critter Nations

Hedgehog Cage Cleaning! Midwest Critter Nation

Hedgehog Care Cleaning The Hedgehog s C&C Cage

Washing your dirtied fleece

How to Wash Fleece Liners and Cozies

For those using substrate bedding, here is a nice cleaning video:

Cleaning Hedgehogs C&C Cage


There are two kinds of baths:

#1. Sand bath
  • Place a sand bath in his/her cage for your hedgehog to naturally clean himself/herself.
See video of hedgehog bathing in sand.

Hedgehog Sandbathing

#2. Water bath
  • His or her feet will become poopy, you may need to wash him or her Monthly or Bi-Monthly.
  • Use lukewarm water ONLY. You can use a toothbrush to give your hedgehog a gentle brush.
  • Make sure he or she is completely dry before getting him/her back in the cage.
  • It is not really recommended to use shampoos. Most of these shampoos dry your hedgehog’s skin. However, if you feel you need to use some sort of cleaning substance, put oatmeal in a clean sock, tie it close and place it in the water.
  • Over washing is bad.
  • Avoid Tea Tree oil.
Here are some hedgehog bath videos:

Hedgehog Care Baths and Footbaths

Pamper Your Hedgehog

Travelling with your Hedgehog
  • Traveling with your hedgehog can be tricky because of the temperature he or she requires.
  • Before travelling with your hedgehog, think of getting a pet sitter or letting a family member or friend take care of him or her.
  • Planes are a NO. Most airlines do not allow it. However, if there are airlines that allow, you have to be careful of temperature and keep checking on your hedgie, so no cargo hold!!!

If you are moving house or going to the vet, then here is what you need to do:

  • Get a good hedgehog travel cage, good recommendations are:
Short Time and Distance Travel


Longer Time and Distance Travel

Inside the carrier
  • Place fleece bedding, some towels or an old t-shirt
  • Thermometer
  • Heating pad
  • During the day, your hedgehog is usually asleep (it is usually better to travel during the day), but just in case, you can carry some dry cat food and water in a bottle to give in a water bowl.

If you are going on holiday, get a friend or family member to look after your hedgehog or hire a pet sitter.

If there is no one or you do not want to leave your hedgehog behind, and you will be gone for a couple of days, this is what you can do (You will try and mimic your setup at home but to go style):

Do not forget to inform the hotel where you will be sleeping that you will bring a hedgehog.

Hedgehog Health and Vet
Perform health checks (once or twice a week)

 What to look out for when getting or caring for a hedgehog

  • Watch out for skin infections from fungus (ringworm), and mites. Hedgehog will lose quills and expose large bald dry areas. Good to note is that it is normal for hedgehogs to lose some quills that will grow back.
  • Hedgehogs can carry salmonella, which can be transferable to a person. WASH YOUR HANDS after handling him or her.
  • Dental health- drooling or salivation, bad breath, tartar build-up, inflamed gums, abscesses on gums (decrease in appetite can be a sign of these) It is normal to see some foamy saliva that your hedgehog applies to its body. It is called anointing.
  • Obesity– hedgehog will be unable to roll into a ball
  • Eyes, ears and nose– look for discharge, crusty eyes and running nose or eyes. Eyes should be clear and bright.
  • Respiratory health– Check how they are breathing. You should not see any wheezing or heaving. A healthy hedgehog will breath lightly, barely noticeable.
  • Teeth– Check if there are broken or missing teeth.
  • Behaviors– Inactivity/lethargy is a problem (they should be active at night). Loss of appetite and weight is also a problem. Limps and inability to stand are also not good. Tilting head is also not good, paralysis, agitation, seizures, falling over, jerking, tremors and also circling.
  • Look out for wobbly hedgehog syndrome- this results in paralysis that starts with hind legs. Your hedgehog will become wobble as it moves and will be unable to curl into a ball.
  • Weight– Check their weight weekly to make sure it is not dropping rapidly.
  • Feet-You should look out for inflammation and sores
  • Anal and genital area- should not be bloody, should not have any discharge. Check for abnormal droppings in the cage.

Try and get a hedgehog savvy vet, not just a random one. (See a vet once or twice a year or when you notice something wrong with your hedgehog)

IMPORTANT!!!! If you know it is illegal in your country to keep hedgehogs as pets and you go ahead and keep one, you will NOT find hedgehog vets, thus endangering his or her life!!!!

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