When determining what material to use for your African Pygmy Hedgehog Cage Bedding, various factors are considered: Safety of your pet Characteristics of your pet (does she/he like to burrow) Ease of cleaning (Do you mind regular cleaning? What cleaning works for you?) Your financial situation (what can you afford for your pet) Hygiene of
Read MoreAs a new hedgehog owner, you might be wondering "What Do Hedgehogs Eat?" 3 Categories That Constitute Hedgehog Diet (What Do Hedgehogs Eat?) Water High quality dry Cat food for adult hedgehogs and High quality dry Kitten food for young hedgehogs. Treats such as insects, meal worms and cooked eggs DO NOT feed anything with milk.
Read MoreWe will give wheel options that owners have used and rated high taking into consideration the comfort and suitability to your small furry friend. PET RAT EXERCISE WHEEL OPTIONS, HEDGEHOG EXERCISE WHEEL OPTIONS, SHORT-TAILED OPOSSUM EXERCISE WHEEL OPTIONS DEGU EXERCISE WHEEL OPTIONS
Read MoreWhy are these hedgehog cages suitable? We have only considered cages that hedgehog owners have used/ are still using and found great. It is up to you to decide which you prefer. These cages meet the required size for an African Pygmy Hedgehog. Let’s jump straight into them!
Read MoreThe image above shows the domesticated hedgehog named African pygmy hedgehogs/ four-toed hedgehog or white-bellied. To qualify in keeping a pet hedgehog, you must be able to provide the temperature needed for its survival. You will see below what you require so as to achieve this. It might seem difficult, but caring for hedgehogs is
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