ferret cage bedding

Best Ferret Cage Bedding Material

When determining what material to use for bedding, various factors are considered:
  • Safety for your pet
  • Characteristics of your pet (does she/he like to burrow)
  • Ease of cleaning (Do you mind regular cleaning? What cleaning works for you?)
  • Your financial situation (what can you afford for your pet)
  • Hygiene in the cage

Here are the recommended ferret cage bedding materials (they have been used by the majority of ferret owners)


  • Since ferrets can be litter trained, cleaning will be very easy as they will not really soil the fabric.
  • Fabrics are also safe to use for your ferrets as they do not pose any respiratory risk from dust.
Examples of cheap ferret fabric bedding

If you’ve have googled and seen nice neat Ferret Nation Cages with fabric bedding, these have utilized fleece liners/ pillows which are mostly used in CNC (Critter Nation Cages) or FNC cages (Ferret Nation Cages).

Anti-Pill Fleece needs to be prepared before use and that is why we recommend reading and watching a few clips here.

If you plan to use fabric bedding in your pet’s cage, introduce a litter pan and put either of the following 4 substrates in it:

Yesterday’s News Unscented Recycled Paper Pellet Cat Litter 

US: Purina Yesterday’s News Unscented Cat Litter – 30 lb. Bag

UK: Yesterday’s News Cat Litter, Non-Clumping, Unscented, 13.2-Pound Bag by Purina Yesterday’s News

Back 2 Nature Small Animal Bedding

US: Fibrecycle USA Inc. Back-2-Nature Small Animal Bedding 20 Liter

US: Small Animal Bedding Recycled Back 2 Nature 30 Litres

US: Fibrecycle USA Inc. Back-2-Nature Small Animal Bedding 10 Liter

UK: Back 2 Nature Small Animal Bedding – 30 L

UK: Back-2-Nature Bedding/Litter for Small Animals

Hardwood wood stove pellets (good and cheap)

Marshall Ferret Litter, Bag

US#1. Marshall Ferret Litter, Bag

UK #2. Marshall Ferret Litter, 10-Pound Bag


  • If you intend to use substrate bedding in your ferret nation or critter nation cages, get some Critter Nation Replacement Pans made for your cage by the bass equipment company. The trays offer a place to pour the substrate.

(Get this at Bass Equipment Company)

  • Be extremely careful on the substrate you use since ferrets are illness prone. Get one that is not dusty, here are some of the best examples:

Here are some recommended substrate bedding materials:
Fitch Paper Pet Bedding

fitch hamster bedding

Fitch Paper Pet Bedding qualities

  • healthy for your ferret
  • it is soft
  • hides smells
  • it is super cheap
  • it is very absorbent
Watch a review of Fitch Bedding and how you can use it in the ferplast ferret cage
fitch bedding hamster cage bedding

Fitch bedding review

Using fitch bedding for ferrets

Where Can I get Fitch Paper Pet Bedding?

US: Small Pet Select Unbleached White Paper Bedding, 56 L, Model Number: SMWB

UK: Fitch 20kg Bales Paper Pet Bedding for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Horses and other smaller animals

Boxo Comfort Small Animal Bedding


  • great for burrowing as it is soft.
  • It controls odors.
  • It is a cheap and a better alternative to carefresh.
Watch Boxo Comfort and Kaytee Clean and Cozy in Use
boxo comfort and kaytee clean cozy

Boxo comfort and kaytee clean & cozy

Where Do I Get Boxo Comfort Small Animal Bedding?

US #1. Boxo Comfort Small Animal Bedding, 51-Liter

US #2. Boxo Comfort Small Animal Bedding, 26-Liter

UK #1. Boxo Comfort Small Animal Bedding, 51-Liter

UK #2. Boxo Comfort Small Animal Bedding, 26-Liter

Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding (White in color) UNSCENTED or Kaytee Clean & Cozy Natural Small Animal Bedding (Brownish in color) UNSCENTED

Where Do I Get This?

Before Purchasing this, read this to make a better and informed choice.

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